Friday, October 28, 2011

so fun

   okay so today was the field trip in my class to the roller rink, and of course it was a mash pit of beginners and experts. and it was a day of disaster.
    it began with my class missing our assigned bus. we all hopped on another and strolled off. when we got there a crowd of people swarmed the skate rental the crowd cleared off i found my best friend. the first thing we did: got food! then we sat and ate. well my friend is not a skater as i am, so i stayed with her. we bought some things talked with friends and as it was time to go we departed. as i got back to school and my class, my teacher announced that she was missing her iPhone 4. when she said that my mouth physically dropped. well it was also her birthday, fun isn't it. well the day ended rode home and now I'm typing this. oh also just a shout out to Mrs. Humphrey! happy b-day.

Thursday, October 27, 2011